Friday, July 16, 2010

Two Things You Should Know About Me

Hey guys, I wanted to share some more thoughts on yoga and how it's making me feel. You are about to embark on a magical mystery tour of my thoughts, via my new found ability to use technology. So enjoy, and I'll speak to you soon!! xo

P.S. -This one goes out to Michelle Holmes Silvers!!!!!

And another P.S. -My boyfriend is mad that I didn't just "hold up the shirt; I had to do some girls gone wild $*%#." So, my apologies.


  1. Another point I was trying to make is that some people judge yoga from only hearing or seeing one perception of it, much as people judge Prince without taking the time to investigate either of them!!!

  2. Some people like the way things that they do make them feel...drinking alot of alchohol, drugs, robbing people?, you know! What I like about your blog is that the things that make you feel good, in this case, Prince & Yoga, are good for you.

  3. can't wait to take your classes. . with Prince tunes!!
