Thursday, July 22, 2010


Recovering is never a fun process. It’s been almost two months since I had surgery, which doesn’t seem like a long time, but it feels like a LIFETIME. It’s been a struggle to get back into my practice. I hate when I’ve built some momentum and I’m starting to feel really involved and powerful in my life and body and then I have to take a set back. But again, like I said in my last blog, that’s what happens! I’m sure after another two months I will look back and not really be able to remember the struggles I’ve felt; each time I’ve been sick or had to have surgery, I can’t remember the pain or the rehabilitation process. But for right now, I’m feeling it.

What has been surprising to me is that instead of feeling completely frustrated with myself for not being completely on point (like I do with everything else in my life) I feel good during my training at Strala. I can focus on myself, and say, “OK, there’s no one I need to impress right now, not even you. Just breathe and be here with me.” Yes, these are real conversations that I have with myself. So while I have a journey to my recovery, I’m trying not to stress myself out with too much pressure. I have also found the need to say to myself, “It hasn’t even been two months yet, it hasn’t even been two months yet.” If everyone around me is supportive of my practice, then I should be as well!

MY GOAL FOR THIS MONTH (one of many) is to HOLD MY PLANK FOR A FULL TWO MINUTES!!! Oh yes, it will be done. Tara and Mike could probably have a tea party in their plank positions, passing the pastries and pouring each other tea and having a splendid conversation all while chilling in their planks. To think of it, they could possibly even sleep in their planks. And so one of my missions begins. (Here is where I insert a video of myself trying to hold a plank for two minutes... but not yet!) I know it’s not a lofty goal; it’s a position that I could hold for two minutes before the surgery. So each day of recovery I’m getting a little bit more of my strength back. And for once, I’m satisfied with this knowledge. I’ve been learning at Strala to listen to my body while I practice instead of just pushing and pushing myself. I’m developing a relationship with my compromised body, and it’s never fun to date someone who’s pushy and too demanding.

1 comment:

  1. By holding a plank do you mean level with your arms extended or do you mean with bent arms hovering as close to the floor as possible?
